Leadership Pledge of Support

The following organisations have pledged their ongoing commitment to embedding trauma informed principles and practice in Scotland to support anyone affected by psychological trauma. Find out how you can sign the Leadership Pledge of Support below.

Pledge Signatories in Scotland

Signatories to this pledge agree to:

  • Work with others to put trauma-informed and responsive practice in place across our workforce and services.
  • Deliver services that wherever possible are actively informed by people with lived experience of trauma.
  • Recognise the central importance of relationships that offer collaboration, choice, empowerment, safety and trust as part of a trauma-informed approach.
  • Respond in ways that prevent further harm, and that reduce barriers so that people affected by trauma have equal access to the services they need, when they need it, to support their own journey of recovery.

Partnered with

  • Ypeople

    Ypeople is a charity that helps people make positive changes in their lives across Scotland. We understand that we all have unique journeys through life. We respect this and we adapt what we do to meet people’s needs, whatever they might be.
  • Fife Partnership Chief Officers Public Safety

    Fife Chief Officer Public Safety Group will use our position as the oversight body for Fife Child and Adult Protection Committees, the MAPPA Strategic Oversight Group and the Violence against Women Partnership to promote a clear understanding of what a trauma informed and responsive service looks like for children and adults at risk of harm.
  • Scottish Community Safety Network

    The SCSN has long understood how trauma impacts on many areas of community safety policy. We recently held a screening of the film: ‘The Wisdom of Trauma: with Dr Gabor Mate’ for our members and stakeholders to discuss these themes and how our sector can work together to be more trauma informed. This formed the centrepiece of our second ‘trauma’ themed newsletter over the past two years.
  • Richmond’s Hope

    Richmond’s Hope strives to deliver trauma-responsive support to everyone who uses the service. We ensure that all staff complete the TURAS training provided by NES, and that the values and standards practiced throughout the organisation align with those of the National Trauma Training Framework (NTTF).
  • Home-Start Renfrewshire and Inverclyde

    At Home-Start Renfrewshire and Inverclyde we firmly believe that early intervention and non-judgemental support is key to breaking cycles of adversity and promote positive outcomes. Many of the families we support who are preparing for, or in the early years of, parenting young children have experienced trauma, and we are determined to equip our staff, volunteers and families with the tools and understanding necessary to support through a trauma-informed approach.
  • Orkney Health and Care

    Orkney Integration Joint Board, NHS Orkney and Orkney Islands Council are committed to the leadership pledge for trauma informed practice.
  • Orkney Islands Council

    Orkney Integration Joint Board, NHS Orkney and Orkney Islands Council are committed to the leadership pledge for trauma informed practice.
  • Monklands Women’s Aid

    Monklands Women’s Aid’s Integrated Responsive Service offers trauma informed person centred services to women, children and young people. We work in a trauma informed way and operate in a psychologically informed environment.
  • The Green Team

    The Green Team is committed to developing a trauma informed practice across the organisation with a workforce who are confident in understanding how to respond and support those experiencing trauma.
  • Children and Young People’s Centre for Justice

    The Children and Young People’s Centre for Justice is honoured to sign up to the National Trauma Training Programme Pledge. We understand the effects that childhood adversity and traumatic experiences can have on children, increasing the likelihood that they may come into conflict with the law.
  • Kibble

    Since 2018 Kibble has committed to respond to children who have experienced trauma and adversity. We have completed international research and developed a model of therapeutic trauma-informed care.
  • Families Outside

    Families Outside is the only national charity in Scotland working solely on behalf of children and families affected by imprisonment. With imprisonment of a household member as one of the 10 Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) proven to increase risk of future poor health and wellbeing, our staff have daily contact with people experiencing trauma (the impact of this adversity) as well as a five times greater risk of exposure to other ACEs.